Meal 1: Asparagus and Spinach Cannelloni w. Marinara and Chick Peas w. Roasted Breakfast Radish and Fresh Herbs
· Transfer the cheese and vegetable mix to a bowl and briefly microwave. Combine. Lay out the cannelloni crepes and fill each with a portion of the filling lined down the middle. Roll up simply, no folds, like a fat cigar and transfer to an oven safe dish.
· Microwave the jar of sauce to warm a bit and top the cannelloni with the sauce.
· Bake the cannelloni at 350° for about 10 minutes - enough time to heat through and allow the sauce to darken a bit.
· Serve the chick pea salad at room temp.
Meal 2: Pea Shoot Bisque, Semolina-Flax Bread, Butterhead-Oakleaf Salad
· Heat the soup gently or enjoy chilled.
· Warm and butter the bread. ( Or dip in olive oil)
· Dress the salad.