Meal 1: Chili Verde, Yeasted Corn Bread, Pan Roasted Apples with Candied Walnut Butter
· Heat the chili gently on the stovetop.
· Warm the corn bread in the oven or cut into thick slices and pan fry them in lots of butter toasting each side and adding butter as necessary. About 1 minute per side, they brown fast.
· For dessert! Remove the compound butter from the apples. Heat a little plain butter in a sauté pan. When hot add the apples and toss. Allow to heat and maybe brown a bit. Cut the walnut butter into 3-5 pieces and add to the pan. Toss allowing to coat the apples. Serve. If you have a little heavy cream, or whipped cream, garnish with that. Also OK with ice cream I suppose ; ). If you informed us of a nut allergy you received cinnamon butter, but check.
Meal 2: Equinox Stew, Apple-Raisin Stuffed Challah Wheels, Mixed Greens Salad
· Heat the stew gently. Allow to just simmer and serve.
· Warm the bread. Serve with butter and some honey.
· Dress and serve the salad.